Tuesday 25 January 2011

Hi again.

My staff have been very slack at updating my blog.......maybe they don't realise that's what a nip on the ankle means

I'll soon turn the big 3 but I can't quite reach the pedals yet

Tuesday 10 February 2009

More snow.....

Mmm this snow stuff is alright but its bit cold on the tootsies..... not ideal to creep up on stuff either. I'm a bit too obvious.

So back inside to watch the birds from the window...... then another a sleep,

just 3 more days and i'll be one year old (Friday the 13th)

Monday 2 February 2009

Snow......what is it?

Some white fluffy stuff fell from the sky today and I watched out of the window and wondered what it was
Could I eat it, could I play with it?
So I nipped out the front door to find out.......Blimey its cold on my little paws

Best stay inside methinks where its nice and warm. I love my box under the radiator......
.........................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (again)

Tuesday 20 January 2009

I have a nice new collar with ID tag with my name on it, just in case I get stuck in a garage (again)

I did have some fun in the summer when I got out of the bathroom window and on to the roof. What a great place to hide, my mum wasn't very happy when I she saw me right on the very top.

getting down was very scarey....... one life down

O still like to do a bit of lap snuggling, my mum takes my collar off

Monday 19 January 2009

Been a long time since I wrote on my blog but as you can see I have been on the look out

I also found a great place for a drink

Monday 14 July 2008

Haven't I've grown in the last month?

I've also gone from scare-di kitten to a Korat cat

first I found I could climb a tree......

But getting down is not so easy

I like to hide in the bushes.....

Of course its nice to have another sleep afterwards

Friday 6 June 2008

outside is a bit scary !

big step this week I was allowed outside into the garden and to start with i found it very scary.....

My new dad held me I was trembling and my tail went all big like a bottle brush.
I wanted to hide behind the plant pots, to view this new and strange place

After a few times out I got a bit braver and explored some more.

I was scared of the big green open space...so i ran as fast as I could across it to my dad.

Post some more later once I've been allowed out exploring again....its worn me out and its time for my nap (again)